Monday, June 25, 2012

recipe for healthy living if you want to - part 1

Before we set out to read this article I need you to be clear that I am not a medical doctor. I am simply an athlete who is teachable to learn what I can and share. What I am prescribing below is to have a healthy balanced diet and foundation of supplements to provide you with a healthy lifestyle, not fix and issues you may have.
This weekend I attended a talk a by a functional medicine doctor, talking about how your body works and how the rubbish we eat nowdays is bad for our bodies. I really subscribe tot he theory that keeping a healthy body to prevent germs getting in is a better way than treating illness.

His theory is simple, effectively your body is built around a hole. One opening at your mouth and the other at your Rear end. Everything you put in there is of no use to you if it cannot be absorbed and the more rubbish you eat the worse you make the environment and hence 90% of all problem begin in your gut....Yup interesting right? Yes so keep your gut clean and your body will be healthier. If you are eating bad foods your stomach environment changes and this effects the foods being absorbed and how much is absorbed. you need to keep it clean and use anti oxidants

Here is how he explained it to us, go home and get a bottle - can - carton of your favourite drink, pour it into the kitchen sink and then wash your dishes in it.
How do they come out? Clean or dirty?

Right, yes you can rinse them off with water and so should your stomach be rinsed off with water.

RULE 1: Drink a glass of water every morning as you get up. It should be the first thing and you should not have anything else for another 45 min. The guidelines are 10ml of water for each kg of body weight, but 500ml should be the starting point.

Why is this important you ask, well each night your body is working to clean out the rubbish. Its your night shift working to get all the rubbish out of your cells and what happens is it sits in the space between your cells and if you do not flush it out, it will be absorbed back into the cells. Its kind like drinking your own urine in the morning.

If you are an athlete then this will be waste from your previous days training and you will not be able to perform optimally unless you clean out your body.

If you are a couch potato then this is all the junk and alcohol and sugar you ate and drank yesterday. It needs to leave the body ASAP.
and you need to make these 4 changes:

  1. Cut our Sugar from your diet: Its simply toxic to your body
  2. Get rid of Allergy foods: Cut out grain and refined foods
  3. Protein is critical: You need 9 amino acids to sustain your body
  4. Supplement a healthy diet: Good food is still not enough, get supplements
What these 4 changes will do is allow your body to:
  • Remove
  • Replace
  • Re-innoculate
  • Repair
  • Rebalance
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