Any of you feel like this the day after your race |
You can imagine in the last 25 years I have tried everything under the sun to help my legs and body recover from the rigors of a tough day out in the sun. Not only is your back sore, but so is your lower back, maybe your neck, one or two toes are sore and then the shoulders and legs.
What I have learnt from years of damaging myself is that the most forgotten parts of the damaged body are the major organs, like the lungs, heart and kidneys. So lets look at ways to get you back to your strong self.
So, recovery is a very important part of your season and if you dont do it right it will come back to haunt you. I did 2 half IM on back to back weekends, it completely destroyed my season. I mean I recovered, but I could get my body to lift it up a notch which was required when it came to an Olympic distance race. My personal experience tells me that 3 to 4 weeks of recovery is the right amount, depending on how old you are. As you get older or the more years you have in your legs, the less hours you need to put in to get results, but the longer you need to recover. Now remember recovery isnt only relaxing it involves repair and rebuild. This means spending time to repair the damage and then time to get you back up to speed. Its specific to everyone, the last time I checked non of us share a body. So you need to test this and tweak it and re do it (this is why it takes years to get good) and once you find a program that works for you, keep it and follow it religiously.
Good you ready to go?
Lets look at immediate recovery, the first 2 weeks.
- Supplement with antioxidants:
- Using organic food supplements will improve the quality of the nutrients you are getting in and this is important when you have put your body under huge stress. Your body has a huge overload of free radicals and only the best that nature has to offer will help you get back to 100% in the least stress free way.
- Now consider this VERY IMPORTANT POINT: When you have raced and put your bosy under such huge stress, your body is busy trying to clean out all the free radical waste right, consuming a non organic vitamin is not the bright solution since these need to be processed through the major organs adding even bigger stress to your body, hence recovery takes longer.
- Organic food supplements are digested like food and this all takes place in the stomach and is absorb much faster into the blood stream. Hence you get a faster nutritional upload and your body can then repair the damaged muscles and cells quicker.
- Consum lots of Vitamin C: Lastly we want to prevent getting ill. Of course if you are serious about your body then you will use the best quality available, but sickness after a long race is very possible and here is why. Research has shown that when you breathe heavily for such long periods of time, the back of your throat actually becomes a little raw and this opens you up to infection. Vitamin C will help flush the infectious monsters right out of your body.
- Drink plenty water
- Water will help to flush out all the free radicals and waste and help clean out the major organs
- Drink purified water: Yes I know you are told that your water is the best in the world and clean, but it is not. refer to my article on water purification. YOU MUST NOT DRINK CHLORINE, please dont kid yourself and believe everything you hear from your local government about how clean the water is. Do some research yourself.
- Purified water also makes sure the essential minerals and salts stay in the water. These are essential to your recovery and cell function, which is to take in the good and pass out the bad.
- Eat:
- Yes eat plenty of fruits and veggies
- Make nice frozen fruit smoothies
- Make nice veggie drinks or fruit and veggie drinks
- If you are a meat lover, then eat some meat, potatoes.....definitely my favourite
- Increase blood flow to your muscles: There are several ways to do this, but it must be done in a gentle way so as to promote the flow of blood to damaged areas. the blood rich in nutrients from your organic supplements and water you are drinking will be able to reach all the damaged muscle fibers.
- Gentle massage helps warm up your muscles and encourages blood flow to the area
- Go for a walk, walk in nature, walk at the sea (if you live there). Try do anything that is away from your bike and running shoes.
- A light cycle will also get blood flowing, I would suggest a stationary bike where you can sit and read a magazine or good book and not a cycling group where you will get caught up in the testosterone bubble and go all out
- Swim: a gentle swim will also encourage blood flow and in this case to all your muscles. Cycling is limited to the legs while swimming will get all the muscles warmed up and without the gravity
- Dont run: This is my personal preference, because it is weight bearing and because you might still be feeling mentally high form the race and get carried away.
- Clear your mind: I have you ever seen you favourite sports team pull off a huge upset win and then the next week play complete rubbish and lose to the team near the bottom of the table. Well this is due to having had to step up their game and it usually is a huge mental effort. A huge motivational effort.
- As per point 3 above, going for a walk is a great relaxer, not so relaxing if you still have sore toes
- Go to the beach and get rid of that ridiculous tan you got on the weekend
- Take plenty of fluids and nice fresh fruit along to keep your athletic appetite happy.
- LASTLY....................Sleep, get plenty of sleep. Remember you are not training so you can sleep in and get a couple of extra hours.
In my next article I will look at the weeks 3 and 4 of recovery.
Happy eating, sleeping and recovering and well done on your race, next time you will be better.
I hope I have been able to help you in some way.
Yours in sport