Thursday, January 19, 2012

Organic supplementation: Yes its the way to go!!

I suppose there are many scenarios on what is organic and what is not. I am not going to get into the details of it but here are my thoughts on the subject and why.

I choose organic (not in-process organic) supplementation over pharmaceutical grade, because of 2 reasons.

  1. Well its fake and my body can't live on fake fatty acids
    1. Imagine you consume fatty acids that are not organic / as nature intended and they are transported by your bodies nutritional system to the cell wall. The old fatty acids that make up your cell walls are being replaced by new fatty acids, but because these ones are not organic. What does this mean, well it means that the cell walls dont filter out the nutrients they need to allow into and out of the cells and therefore your cells dont function properly and dont perform their job properly. The cell can also lose structure. Now when the cell gets replaced, your body makes a new copy of that cell and in this case it will be a cell that is not of proper structure. Can you imagine if this happens to thousands of cells everyday over a 20 year period?
    2. It has been recently proven again, that not only are plant based nutrients good for you, but actual plant matter has huge benefits. The purpose of this article is not to go into detail about that, I am not technical. My purpose is to provide you with perspective. 
  2. Organic farming follows strict processes and they are subject to stringent review on their farming practices.
How do I choose a supplement?

Here are  10 points I would consider when choosing an organic supplement company
  1. How long have they been in existence how long have they been doing organic
    1. Have they only started creating organic supplements now since the health and wellness trend started in 2010. I would say this is not a good sign, they were never really concerned about your health then were they?
    2. My supplement manufacturer has been producing organic supplements for 75 years. This tells me it has always been about nutrition and not about the money making.
  2. Do they own the farms that grow the ingredients and Are those farms certified organic (it takes 10 years)
    1. Did yo know it takes 10 years for a farm to be certified organic
    2. Do their neighbouring famers practice organic methods so there is no run off of pesticides into or onto their land
    3. My manufacturer pays his neighbours to practice organic farming methods
  3. Does your company lead the world in research on new sources of nutrients
    1. My supplier has a centre for optimal health where professors are invite to complete research and publish their findings
  4. Consider if your manufacturer has patents for their organic formulations.
    1. Mine has over 30
  5. Is your manufacturer associated with key universities around the world
  6. Pick a supplement company that takes time to find the best micro climate in the world for growing each specific plant, then determine the time of year, month, week and day it is producing its highest quality nutrient and then only harvesting it
    1. No not picking it while its not ripe and letting it ripen it off the tree
    2. No not freezing it for a year then artificially ripening it.
    3. I mean picking it as nature intended and eating as nature intended
  7. Will you manufacturer let you take a walk through their manufacturing plant as a visitor to see how they do it
  8. Do they practice clean manufacturing processes.
    1. For example, do they take apart and clean their machinery after each production run
  9. Are their products and processes so good they have other companies buying products from them
  10. Would your company offer you a money back guarantee (no questions asked) if you dont think it is better than the supplement you are currently using.
    1. This sounds ridiculous doesnt it right.............Jeepers I think so, but hey if they do this and have a history steeped in quality and they are still around. It means they not only talk the talk, their products walk the walk
Go do your research, dont be lazy. Yes its fine to ask a few people, but in the end ask yourself good questions about the product, I mean it is your health we are talking about right.

AND finally, to those of you not supplementing or not using organic and call this all a hype, I say this:

Wouldnt it be a tragedy, that in 30 years time, you havent supplemented with the best and doctors and researchers turn around and say, we were wrong, organic supplements are essential.

yours in health and wellness

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