Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cleaning out your Closet "Body" - how to do it

Ok so yesterday  wrote a short intro on the talk I heard from a doctor on changing your ways, cleaning up your act and re energizing your body.

Today is the detail, are you ready?

Remember I am not a medical professional, but I am an avid user and researcher and my goal here is to show you how you can set up a good nutritional base, not fix any problems.

Here are the 4 phases

  1. Remove & Replace
    1. Sugar from your diet. simply put - its toxic
      1. Fruit sugar is not brilliant for you either, it is best kept to 25g of fruit sugar per day and that you can get out of 1 orange and 1 apple and 1 banana
      2. A Banana has about 7g, an Apple about 9g and citrus about 5g
    2. Coffee: 1 cup of good quality coffee a day. Remember that the quality of coffee is not determine by the amount of caffeine it has inside that gives you the best buzz. Caffeine is put into coffee plants as a natural bug repellent. Coffee grown at high altitudes is therefore better quality because Caffeine levels are lower and the altitude takes care of most of the bugs.
    3. Alcohol: Not much needs to be said here. Just keep it under control
    4. Allergy food: Basically what is being said here is that foods that come from genetically modified sources have a higher tendency to allergies. The modification does not come from what is being fed to the plants but how the seeds are made to be more resistant to conditions. This messes with the make up of the plant and therefore it doesnt get absorbed properly and do what it is supposed to do for you and your body. You dont see the results of this immediately, it takes years. It is best to remove wheat from your diet. Omega 6 form wheat is linked to inflammation. your ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 should be 1-1 or 1-2. Most people.....MOST, are 1- 20. Remove refined carbs from your diet.
    5. Cows Milk: Cows Milk is meant for Cows and when it gets prepared for human consumption, it goes through a host of processes that involve heating and cooling and our digestive system cant break it down. 
  2. Re-Innoculate: 
    1. The best way to start is to remove Wheat and Milk from your diet for 2 weeks. Yes, I agree with you, that is tough. what the hell must we eat. well that is another discussion we can get into later. The other is you should drink 500ml every morning 45 minutes before eating or drinking anything else.
    2. The benefit of this is that with all the rubbish you have been eating, your stomach has been clogging up and by flushing out your system every morning and eating better quality foods, you now allow your stomach to absorb more.
    3. If you are unfit and have an unhealthy diet, your stomach will be more acid and this then affects what your stomach can absorb and hence affects your health
    4. Get yourself a digestive enzyme or probiotic from a company called Meta Genetics. All their stuff is of very high quality and from organic sources
  3. Repair: Foundation nutrition is KEY. You cannot expect your body to perform at a high level in sport if your foundations are not strong.
    1. Organic Supplements: You should take a high quality, organic based multivitamin, such as the double X range form Nutrilite and an Omega 3 along with a Fruit and Veg supplement. The need for such supplements is to ensure that your body has enough Vitamin A,E and C. I will talk about Antioxidants tomorrow, how they work in your body and then some talk around Adrenal burn out that is becoming so common.
      1. Please remember this is not in place of a a good healthy diet, but on top of a healthy diet. Why?Well because our farming methods and demand for products today does not allow for fruit and veg to ripen like it used to and our soil is now getting depleted of the nutrients it used to have 20 or 30 years ago.
    2. OMEGA 6: Cut down on Omega 6, it is high in things like evening primrose oil, eggs, meat and Mielies. Increase your Omega3, with a high quality omega 3. ask where it comes from and if it is from farmed fish or not. 
      1. You do not need a combo supplement, you get plenty of Omega from the Meat and Eggs and Mielies.
      2. 7g of Omega oil a day is good, which generally comes from about 21 Omega tablets.........Yes thats a lot of swallowing I agree. You will however be well off from taking 3 per day. 1 in the morning and 2 in the evening
    3. Protein: Protein is critical to all bodily functions. your best option is to get an organic based protein powder, no flavour, that you can add to your breakfast, lunch and dinner. 5 teaspoons a day is good for a foundation. Look for one that contains the 9 essential amino acids, your body needs those to make the other 13 it needs to repair cells, nerves, muscles etc.
  4. Rebalance: 
    1. Go to bed before midnight, it is good for your body rythms
    2. Get in light exercise  frequently and consistently. As an athlete I was challenged to try this: 
      1. hold light weights in my arms and keep them outstretched beside me
      2. complete 60 squats ( in a normal standing position) in 1 min
      3. 2 x per day
    3. After my skipping challenge this is what I will try.
    4. Purify water: get yourself a water purifier, no not a filter, get a proper purifier. one that removes the rubbish including the Chlorine.
      1. chlorine and its by products, are linked to more 21st century diseases than any other substance known to man.
      2. Every night your body cleans itself out and the waste is pushed into the spaces between your cells, if you do not drink a glass of water in the morning to flush out your system then it gets absorbed straight back into the cells and changes the cell and its ability to function correctly.
    1. 500ml of purified water every morning 45 min before you eat or drink anything else
    2. Supplement your diet
    3. Cut out milk
    4. Cut out Wheat
    5. Cut out Sugar
Try this out for two weeks and get 50% more energy. I DARE YOU!!


Monday, June 25, 2012

Benefits of skipping

Skipping is no longer confined to the school playground. Boxers use skipping as training before a fight and it is now incorporated into many gym classes. An excellent way to keep fit, skipping can be done anywhere, anytime.


Skipping will help improve cardio-respiratory (heart and lungs) fitness, flexibility and co-ordination. As a high-impact exercise skipping is great for building bones and a good exercise to trim hips, thighs and backsides!

Burn Rate

Depending on your weight and exertion level you'll burn between 70-150 extra calories* in a ten minute session. 10min Skipping:
  • Moderate 60 skips per minute, about 70kcal
  • Vigorous 120 skips per minute, about 150kcal

*Extra calories are those you burn on top of the calories you use for basic day-to-day living. Inputting your exercise into your exercise diary will calculate the number of calories you will burn, based on your weight.

Getting Started

If you haven't skipped for a long time, start by practising your timing – hold both handles of the rope in one hand and rotate it in a circular movement to your side. When the rope hits the floor, jump. Keep your jumps small to keep impact on your knees and ankles to a minimum – you only need to raise your feet about an inch off the ground. Progress to jumping over the rope once you are confident your timing is correct.
Remember, skipping is a strenuous exercise so start slowly. Try skipping for 20-30 seconds, marching on the spot for 30 seconds, repeat. As your fitness improves you can increase the time you skip for. Once you have perfected the basic move, you can make your workout more interesting by trying some of the following jumps:
  • Skip Jump - hop on one foot and kick the other foot to the front (or behind) the body, alternate legs
  • Jog Jump - alternate your feet in a jogging movement as you jump the rope
  • Hop Jump – hop on one leg for for several jumps, alternate legs (start with 2 per leg and increase as you improve)
  • Jack Jump – do "jumping jacks" as you jump – one jump land with your legs apart, next jump land with them together 
Cross-trainers or aerobic shoes are good as they provide stability and cushion under the forefoot.


  • Skipping may not be suitable for everyone. As a high-impact activity avoid it if you have joint problems.
  • Warm up and cool down by marching on the spot for 3-5 min, and stretching your calves.

recipe for healthy living if you want to - part 1

Before we set out to read this article I need you to be clear that I am not a medical doctor. I am simply an athlete who is teachable to learn what I can and share. What I am prescribing below is to have a healthy balanced diet and foundation of supplements to provide you with a healthy lifestyle, not fix and issues you may have.
This weekend I attended a talk a by a functional medicine doctor, talking about how your body works and how the rubbish we eat nowdays is bad for our bodies. I really subscribe tot he theory that keeping a healthy body to prevent germs getting in is a better way than treating illness.

His theory is simple, effectively your body is built around a hole. One opening at your mouth and the other at your Rear end. Everything you put in there is of no use to you if it cannot be absorbed and the more rubbish you eat the worse you make the environment and hence 90% of all problem begin in your gut....Yup interesting right? Yes so keep your gut clean and your body will be healthier. If you are eating bad foods your stomach environment changes and this effects the foods being absorbed and how much is absorbed. you need to keep it clean and use anti oxidants

Here is how he explained it to us, go home and get a bottle - can - carton of your favourite drink, pour it into the kitchen sink and then wash your dishes in it.
How do they come out? Clean or dirty?

Right, yes you can rinse them off with water and so should your stomach be rinsed off with water.

RULE 1: Drink a glass of water every morning as you get up. It should be the first thing and you should not have anything else for another 45 min. The guidelines are 10ml of water for each kg of body weight, but 500ml should be the starting point.

Why is this important you ask, well each night your body is working to clean out the rubbish. Its your night shift working to get all the rubbish out of your cells and what happens is it sits in the space between your cells and if you do not flush it out, it will be absorbed back into the cells. Its kind like drinking your own urine in the morning.

If you are an athlete then this will be waste from your previous days training and you will not be able to perform optimally unless you clean out your body.

If you are a couch potato then this is all the junk and alcohol and sugar you ate and drank yesterday. It needs to leave the body ASAP.
and you need to make these 4 changes:

  1. Cut our Sugar from your diet: Its simply toxic to your body
  2. Get rid of Allergy foods: Cut out grain and refined foods
  3. Protein is critical: You need 9 amino acids to sustain your body
  4. Supplement a healthy diet: Good food is still not enough, get supplements
What these 4 changes will do is allow your body to:
  • Remove
  • Replace
  • Re-innoculate
  • Repair
  • Rebalance
Chat later


Friday, June 22, 2012

Omega 3 - which one are you taking?

Role of Omega Fatty Acids in Good Nutrition

Omega-3s are termed essential fatty acids (EFAs) because they are critical for good health. Since the body cannot make them on its own, omega-3s must be obtained from food.

Key Functions

  • Reduce hypertension. Studies of large groups of people have found that the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids may aid in lowering overall blood pressure level.
  • Improve heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids may play a part in keeping cholesterol levels low, stabilizing irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), and reducing blood pressure.
  • Protecting the heart. Researchers now believe that alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), one of the omega-3s, may be particularly beneficial in protecting against heart and blood vessel disease, and for lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Food Sources

Key omega-3 fatty acids include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexanoic acid (DHA), and alpha-lineolenic acid (ALA). EPAs and DHAs are found in oily cold-water fish such as tuna, salmon, and mackerel, as well as fresh seaweed. ALAs are found primarily in dark green leafy vegetables, flaxseed oils, and certain vegetable oils.


There is no established recommended daily intake for omega-3s, but a healthy diet containing significant amounts of foods rich in this essential fatty acid is recommended.
Omega-3 fatty acids are very safe to consume. However, most experts recommend limiting fish consumption to two to three servings weekly because so many fish may be tainted with mercury and other contaminants. Fish oil capsules do not usually present this same risk.

Safety Evidence

There are no known side effects associated with increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids through foods, although fish oil capsules do pose the risk of a "burp" factor – a harmless, sometimes unpleasant, fishy aftertaste that occurs with some brands of fish oil capsules.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Some more thoughts about skipping

Skipping sounds as an inexpensive and simple exercise that can be performed anywhere, either be at your home or a nearby park, you might even observe children skipping ropes on sidewalks. One you develop coordination between skipping and rope movement, you can skip for longer time without any miss.
1.Skipping rope can be beneficial in your exercise to lose weight. It is so effective in burning calories that an hour of skipping rope will make you burn up to 1000 calories.
2.The exercise is easy to learn, doesn't need you to look for a guide or coach. The best thing about this activity is that once you start skipping, you learn very quickly and in no time you start skipping like a kid.
3.It's inexpensive as you only need a rope.
4.It turns out to be fun when you start doing it with a friend or a group of friends.
5.It enhances your coordination and rhythm between hands and feet movements.
6.Strengthens your bones and increases your stamina and endurance.
7.When you practice it with your friends, it develops a sense of teamwork and social skills in you.
8.It makes you more vigilant and alert. It increases your attention skills.
9.It can be a healthy sport and competitions can be held for it all year round.
10.It can be exercised by people from any age groups and both genders.
11.Skipping enhances flexibility and athletic abilities. It improves your reflexes, balance and posture.
12.It tones your muscles in arms, legs and abs.
13.Without running it speeds your heart rate like that of a runner and so requires a lot of energy to maintain a good fitness point.
14.But skipping rope can be frustrating or boring as after missing a few jumps. Even if you have a good stamina and maintain a good coordination, you fail to skip for more than 2 minutes. This is because your calves and Achilles tendons are stressed when you keep skipping in the same pattern and when they sting you start missing.
So to skip without missing you have to keep changing from a single bounce to a double bounce or to a skip or a jog or a knee up. You should keep changing the skipping style after every 30 seconds to avoid fatigue. To avoid a miss you can even do side skipping or rotating rope without jumping. This can be to warm you up in the start or to avoid any halt during the sets.
Finding the perfect Workout Routines takes time and effort. These best workout routines is a great place to start if a person is interested in flat abs. 

ref: http://www.workoutroutines.biz] 

Supplementing with Selenium for Cancer prevention


Well since my last video I posted I have had a few questions about the benefits of Selenium and why I am taking it. So I went to find information for you on it. firstly here are some facts for you


Role of Selenium in Good Nutrition

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. It works synergistically with vitamin E, meaning that both are more powerful when they are taken together.

Key Functions

  • Selenium helps to activate antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase, which neutralizes potentially harmful free radicals.
  • Selenium is needed for healthy muscles, including the heart.
  • Selenium also plays a role in maintaining healthy eyesight, skin and hair.

Food Sources

Seafood, meats and grains
  • The actual content of selenium in whole grains depends on how much selenium is in the soil where the grains were grown.


Then I also went to find an official article to explain it, since anyone can write anythign they want on the internet these days and I found this very interesting and thorough one on the American journal of Nutrition website.

I suggest you read it and summarize what you can understand cause the numbers can get confusing, but basically it is saying this:
There are certain types/ Sources of Selenium that are better than others. Some prepared foods contain the cheaper one and therefore you should supplement with the better quality ones. 

There is some really good information  for Pregnancy
Here summary of each section


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sugar Intake and Body Fatness in Non-industrial Cu...

Whole Health Source: Sugar Intake and Body Fatness in Non-industrial Cu...: Around the world, non-industrial cultures following an ancestral diet and lifestyle tend to be lean. When they transition a modern diet and ...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Putting on weight is not that easy

Its a funny world this isnt it, here I am in a bet to see how much weight I can lose in a month and I am finding a completely new hurdle to overcome: How to put on the weight I need to lose. 

I am really stumped as to how people can be 2o or 30 or even 40 kg overweight. Now I am not talking about people with different circumstances, but I know  a lot of people who used to be the same size as me who are now, 3 times the size. I am eating so much I cant eat more than what I am, I have now space in my belly left over. It pushes my stomach out even more...

Anyway, I get asked a lot about how unhealthy it is what I am doing and I would have to agree with you it is going to be a shock to my body, I dont think it will be any worse than what an IM or Ultra marathon can do to my body. In that case I am doing a lot of supplementing.
Check this out....

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Rules of the bet

So every bet needs some rules that make it easier to not cheat.

Here are some of the rules:
  1. 30 min of skipping a day
  2. It can be 15 in the AM and 15 in the PM
  3. no other exercise allowed
  4. I can do core muscles at the same time
  5. I am allowed to have a healthy diet
  6. No thermogenic type tablets allowed
  7. I will complete a video diary
  8. I can supplement but it has to be vitamins, minerals and phytonetrients. NOT weight loss stuff
OK that about makes it for now, not really that strict, but good guidelines none the less.
Lets hope I can be as ripped as this lady, maybe by the end of the month I will be able to do cross over jumps like this.

Thursday, June 14, 2012