Monday, July 2, 2012

The skipping Challenge has begun

Oh My word, this is tougher than I thought....

Here are 10 reasons why:
  1. Co ordination
  2. My arms are dead
  3. I keep hitting my toes with this heavy rubber rope
  4. My arms are dead
  5. Jumping up and down is tiring
  6. I keep hitting my toes with the damn rubber rope
  7. My arms....I cant feel them
  8. 15 minutes seems like a life time
  9. I dont know how to skip
  10. My arms are dead
Here is the rope I made myself, it works unbelievably well, I love the thick handles and it handles the heavy rubber rope well.....The weight of the rope makes a huge difference, it gives momentum when skipping but it strains your muscles to control it. The handles are made out of a light weight curtain rail. I was originally going to put the handles in a lathe and shape them but these are light and manage the rope very well.

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The rope is quite thick here is a picture to give you an idea on how thick the rope is.

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My goal was to skip for 15 minutes this morning............continuous. I quickly changed that to 20 sec intervals. 20 on and 20 off. I downloaded a smart phone app that allows me to do intervals and set it with an alarm.

haha.....15 minutes continuous skipping is ridiculously tough...............but I will make it

Take a look...
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